Chakra Symbols and Sanskrit Names


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Chakras are our energy centers. These openings allow our life energy to flow into and out of our aura. The seven major chakras are associated with our physical, mental and emotional interactions. The first chakra (root) actually hangs outside of your body. It is located between your thighs, about halfway between your knees and your physical body. The seventh chakra (crown) is located on the top of your head. The remaining chakras, (sacral, solar plexus, heart, throat, and third eye), are aligned in sequence along your spine, neck, and skull. Chakras are invisible to the human eye, but they can be perceived intuitively by trained energyworkers.

There is a brief affirmation given for each gallery image. Read the affirmations out loud or silently to yourself as your eyes focus on the chakra images. Focusing on the chakra images while reading the affirmation statements is intended to help you connect to the life pulse of your wheels of life.

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Chakra Affirmation

Wheel of Life Chakra Symbols

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The seven major chakras have individual functions and purposes. However, the chakra system works best when all the chakras function in concert.

In drawings and paintings of chakras, the symbols are usually depicted as wheels or lotus flowers. Each chakra will appear separate from one another. But, if you were able to view your chakras energetically you would notice that the chakras will naturally blend or bleed into one another.

Chakras are energy centers with a living pulse. Energy is not static, energy is in constant flux. Chakras not only open and close; they will also expand and retract. When a chakra expands the boundaries separating it from its neighboring chakra/s can become blurred. As the chakras move and interact with one another the colorful imagery might remind you of peering through a kaleidoscope.

It is not unusual for the sacral and root chakras to intermingle and display brilliant blood-orange color. The heart and throat chakras may merge and display beautiful blue-green shades when you are singing from the heart.

When a stressed chakra is shutting down, a healthier chakra will often expand to compensate for the lowering of the whole energy system. The chakras are typically team players. Still, it is not healthy for any one player in a team to pull more than his share of the weight for prolonged periods. Expansion for the sake of picking up the slack will eventually put a strain on the relationship. Ultimately, the whole team will suffer. And in the case of your chakras, when the chakras are not functioning together optimally as a healthy team illness and disease manifests.

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Root Chakra

Muladhara, root chakra

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Sanskrit Name: Muladhara
Location: Base of Spine
Color: Red

Root Chakra Affirmation

My root chakra is deeply rooted

The root chakra is the grounding force that allows us to connect to the earth energies and empower our beings.
~Exploring the Major Chakras

The root chakra is related to the anus and the adrenal glands. When poorly grounded, your spatial understanding is impaired. You may stumble around physically, mentally, spiritually, and emotionally. Grounding enhances your ability to function effectively on a day-to-day basis.
~ Drumbeat of the Rainbow Fire

When the root chakra is blocked an individual may feel fearful, anxious, insecure and frustrated. Problems like obesity, anorexia nervosa, and knee troubles can occur. Root body parts include the hips, legs, lower back, and sexual organs.
~ Study of the Chakras

Root Chakra Stones

  • Ruby gemstone encourages one to follow bliss. It also acts as a "plug" for holes in the energy field. Stimulates our basic instinct for survival. Ruby strengthens both the physical and emotional heart. It brings love, confidence, loyalty, and courage.
  • Red Coral is good for helping to "tame" the wildness within. Such as tempers, rages, compulsive disorders. Helps to balance us to the spiritual. A good stimulant for the root chakra. Protects one from depression and despondency.

~ Healing with Crystals
Foods that Fuel the Root Chakra

Root vegetables, protein-rich foods, hot and peppery spices.
~ Nourishing Your Energy Centers

Root Chakra Meditation

The roots of a large tree spread deep underground, anchoring the tree into the earth, use your creative visualization to imagine roots, going down from your body plunging into the depths of the planet and spreading out, just like the roots of that tree. Envision the prominent bulky roots extending downwards below the surface, broadening from the base of your spine. These roots are the essence that will enable you to draw into your body the positive frequency of the mother earth. You are now beginning to feel the awareness of a reaction from the planet deep below the surface coursing into your space. As this occurs, you visualize the bulky roots that are beginning to entwine with the waters inside the planet's core, these waters represent the unconditional love, healing the rarefied energy of the Earth. As your roots entwine with the Earth energy use your senses to experience the awareness of unconditional love.

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Sacral Chakra

Swadhisthana, sacral plexus chakra

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Sanskrit Name: Swadhisthana
Location: Lower Abdomen
Color: Orange

Sacral Chakra Affirmation

My sacral chakra juices are creative and bold

A well-functioning sacral chakra helps maintain a healthy yin-yang balance. Although the sacral chakra is primarily considered the sexual energy center, it is also the center where individual creativity resides.
~ Exploring the Major Chakras
The sacral chakra affects the sexual organs. The functions associated with this center are emotion, vitality, fertility, reproduction, and sexual energy in general. Likewise, any problems in these functions can be identified and resolved through this chakra. The physical transmission of rhythmic energy to the sacral chakra removes any blockages that may hamper these functions.
~ Drumbeat of the Rainbow Fire

Sacral Chakra Stones

  • Carnelian
  • Garnet
  • Moonstone
  • Tiger's Eye

~Healing with Crystals

Foods that Fuel Your Sacral Chakras

  • Sweet fruits: melons, mangos, strawberries, passion fruit, oranges, coconut, etc.
  • Honey
  • Nuts: almonds, walnuts, etc.
  • Spices: cinnamon, vanilla, carob, sweet paprika, sesame seeds, caraway seeds

~Nourishing Your Energy Centers

Sacral Chakra and Color Therapy

Orange is a very high energy color. Its creativity juices are extremely intoxicating and sweet tasting. Wearing orange is fun and can make you feel quite playful. Artists love dabbling with orange hues. Orange screams with sexual energy too, not surprising since orange is associated with the sacral chakra. Because of its highly-charged intensity, some people cannot comfortably wear this color. Adorning yourself with an orange accent piece can add a hint of playfulness.
~Color Therapy and Your Wardrobe

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Solar Plexus Chakra

Manipura, solar plexus chakra

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Sanskrit Name: Manipura
Location: Naval
Color: Yellow

Solar Plexus Chakra Affirmation

My solar plexus feels mellow and calm

The solar plexus chakra defines our self-esteem. The personality (EGO) that develops during puberty is housed in this chakra.
~ Exploring the Major Chakras

In opening your third chakra, you may reach deep into your own sense of self and find your balance or boundary point. This point is the use of personal power as a weaver of inner and outer power. You have the power to create and accomplish, rather than the power over something or someone. In other words, you have the ability to manifest in the physical world.
~ Lost? Reclaiming Your Center

The solar plexus chakra is related to the digestive organs. It is associated with action, assertion, empowerment, and ego mastery. It is the area where chi or life force is stored. Malfunctions in the navel chakra may leave you feeling tired, powerless, and withdrawn.
~ Drumbeat of the Rainbow Fire

The solar plexus is the driving force to act and to complete the conceptualization, the visualization that we have in our lives. It is where we find the human talent of commitment.
~ The Mystery Hidden Within Each Chakra

Solar Plexus Mediation

Sit back, relax, and take in an easy, deep breath. Release your muscles. You do not have to exert any effort to sit or lie there. Allow yourself to be fully supported by the chair or floor. Take in another gentle, deep breath and release as you exhale. Now turn your attention to your solar plexus. This is the area of your body between your chest and abdomen. Picture a vibrant, glowing sun in your solar plexus. Feel its warmth and energy. Focus on this Sun for a moment. You may never have paid attention to this area of your body before. This sun represents your inner strength, your intuition, and all your inner resources. Allow your sun to glow brighter and stronger each time you pay attention to it.
~ The Sensitive Person's Survival Guide

Focus On Healing The Will Center

The Will is directly connected with the solar plexus chakra. In order to honor and awaken this place in ourselves, emotional release is essential. Flower essences lend relentless love and support to encourage us through our process of self-understanding and acceptance, discernment and integration. ~ Flower Essences for Healing The Will by Holly Beatie

Solar Plexus Gemstones

~ Healing with Crystals

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Heart Chakra

Anahata, heart chakra

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Sanskrit Name: Anahata
Location: Heart
Color: Green or Pink

Heart Chakra Affirmation:

My heart is overflowing with love energies.

The heart chakra is considered to be the love center of our human energy system. Among others, love, heartbreak, grief, pain, and fear, are all emotions that are felt intensely within this energy vortex. For this reason, energy-based therapies that focus on balancing the heart chakra are often the purest healing. Learning self-love is a powerful initiative to undertake in order to secure and maintain a healthy heart chakra.
~ Exploring the Major Chakras

The heart chakra is the place where unconditional love is centered. Unconditional Love is a creative and powerful energy that may guide and help us through the most difficult times. This energy is available at any moment if we turn our attention to it and use it to free us from our limits and fears.
~ Opening Your Heart's Emotional Power to Transform

The heart stands at the center of all energies and unifies our being as a whole. It is the point around which all the energies turn. A discord or imbalance in the heart chakra will adversely affect all the other centers. A clearing of the heart chakra will improve the interaction of all the other centers. It is important to maintain a balance to all the energy centers so a healthy level of awareness is manifested in our everyday lives.
~ Clearing the Heart Chakra, Rose Quartz Meditation

When the heart chakra is out of balance you may feel sorry for yourself, paranoid, indecisive, afraid of letting go, afraid of getting hurt, or unworthy of love. Physical illnesses include heart attack, high blood pressure, insomnia, and difficulty in breathing. When the heart chakra is balanced you may feel compassionate, friendly, empathetic, desire to nurture others and see the good in everyone. Body parts for the fourth chakra include the heart, lungs, circulatory system, shoulders, and upper back.
~ The Seven Major Chakras

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Throat Chakra

Vishuddha, throat chakra

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Sanskrit Name: Vishuddha
Location: Throat
Color: Sky Blue

Throat Chakra Affirmation

My throat is clear and open, my voice utters truthful words

The throat chakra is our voice center. It is through our spoken word that we express ourselves to others. The healthfulness of this chakra is signified by how openly and honestly a person expresses himself or herself. A challenge to the throat chakra is for us to express ourselves in the most truthful manner. Falsehoods and half-truths energetically pollute the throat chakra. This behavior violates both our bodies and spirits. Repressing our anger or displeasure by ignoring our feelings through evasive sweet talk, or silence will manifest into throat imbalances such as strep throat, laryngitis, speech impediments, and so on.
~Exploring the Major Chakras
The throat chakra is associated with the vocal cords and the thyroid gland. It is the chakra of communication, telepathy, and creative expression. Unexpressed emotions tend to constrict this energy center. Your inner truth is your sense of what is correct-your innate tendencies and inclinations. In every situation, we should be humble, open, and receptive, suspending all previous judgments in order to grasp the inner truth of the matter. If we rely on the truth of our inner voice to guide us, our actions will be in accord with the times.
~Drumbeat of the Rainbow Fire

Kyanite Aligns Throat Chakra

Kyanite is wonderful when used as a shield. It does not retain negative vibes and they bounce off. A good stone for aligning all of the energy centers but is particularly good for the 5th chakra or throat chakra. It is a powerful stone to access the Universal Energy during healing. Blue (color) relates to your spiritual side. It helps you to attune while searching for inner peace.
~A to Z Gemstones

Song Bird

According to Ted Andrew, author of Animal Speak, the appearance of the bluebird is a reminder to take time to enjoy yourself. He also notes that blue is the color of the throat chakra and creative expression.
~Feather Frenzy

Feeding Your Throat Chakra

Speaking One's Truth

  • Liquids in general: water, fruit juices, herbal teas
  • Tart or tangy fruits: lemons, limes, grapefruit, kiwi
  • Other tree growing fruits: apples, pears, plums, peaches, apricots, etc.
  • Spices: salt, lemon grass

~Foods That Fuel Your Chakras

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Third Eye Chakra

Ajna, third eye chakra

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Sanskrit Name: Ajna
Location: Brow
Color: Indigo

Third Eye Chakra Affirmation

My third eye intuits inner knowledge
The third eye chakra is also called "brow chakra." Our mental calculations and thinking processes are functions of the third eye chakra. We are able to evaluate our past experiences and life patterns and put them into perspective through the wisdom of the third chakra's actions. Our ability to separate reality from fantasy or delusion is connected to the healthfulness of this chakra. It is through a receptive brow chakra that auric hues and other visual images are intuited clairvoyantly.
~Exploring the Major Chakras

The sixth chakra is classically located at the point between the eyebrows, which yogis refer to as the "third eye point," and contains intuition. This is where we find our sense of physical vision, and our extrasensory talent of vision as well.
~General Overview of the Chakra System

The sixth chakra is that of the brow, third eye, or place of "shamanic seeing." Located between and slightly above the eyebrows, it is indigo in color. This energy center is closely associated with imagination, inner vision, and psychic abilities. It is related to the pituitary gland. It functions as a link between the inner world and the outer world. Malfunctions of the brow chakra commonly manifest as headaches and eye tension. Resonating this chakra remedies any problems in function and opens the door to a reality separate from the ordinary world.
~Drumbeat of the Rainbow Fire

Clairvoyance is the gift of second sight. Clairvoyance is a visual form of ESP (extrasensory perception) involving perceiving or intuiting information by way of seeing auras, colors, images, or symbols via third eye sensory.

Visualize Yourself Well

Visualization for healing is a simple process.

  • Think of or speak your intention out loud.
  • Close your eyes and imagine yourself in the healing process or as you want to be.
  • Watch as your body heals you
  • Feel the healing taking place
  • Know the healing is being accomplished

~ The Healing Power of the Mind and Visualization

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Crown Chakra

Sahasrara, crown chakra

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Sanskrit Name: Sahasrara
Location: Top of Head
Color: White or Violet

Crown Chakra Affirmation

My crown chakra projects inspiration

When functioning optimally, the crown chakra allows inner communications with our spiritual nature to take place. The opening in the crown chakra (located in the same area as the soft spot on a baby's head) serves as an entryway wherein the Universal Life Force can enter our bodies and be dispersed downward into the lower six chakras housed below it. This chakra is often depicted as a lotus flower with its petals open to represent spiritual awakening. The crown chakra could also be considered the bottomless well from which intuitive knowledge is drawn.
~Exploring the Major Chakras

The seventh or crown chakra is located at the top of the head. The Hopi call this energy center kopavi, meaning "the open door" through which higher spiritual knowledge is received. The crown chakra is associated with the pineal gland, the color violet, full enlightenment, and union with the cosmos.
~Drumbeat of the Rainbow Fire

Visualizing the White Light

Visualize the white light coursing like a liquid through the crown chakra. Visualize white light coursing like a liquid through the third eye. Visualize white light coursing like a liquid through the throat chakra. Visualize white light coursing like a liquid through the heart chakra. Visualize white light coursing like a liquid through the solar plexus chakra. Visualize white light coursing like a liquid through the spleen chakra the sexual center. Visualize white light coursing like a liquid through the root chakra. Visualize your spiritual chakra centers as being a hollow infrastructure, then as each one fills up with liquid white light. The liquid white light coursing into that chakra and as it does use your awakening perception to inhale breath into that chakra.
~Spiritual Chakra Meditations

Violet Flame of Transmutation

The purpose of the violet flame is to free us of negative energies we are holding on to that are born from old karma or past negative influences. Connecting to the violet flame awakens your connection the Christ Consciousness (God Source) and transmutes negative thoughts into positive thoughts. Feelings of guilt turn into acceptance, fear of fate become desired opportunities, etc. The violet flame can be called upon through meditation and incantations.

Disclaimer: The information contained on this site is intended for educational purposes only and is not a substitute for advice, diagnosis or treatment by a licensed physician. You should seek prompt medical care for any health issues and consult your doctor before using alternative medicine or making a change to your regimen.

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Your Citation
Desy, Phylameana lila. "Chakra Symbols and Sanskrit Names." Learn Religions, Apr. 5, 2023, Desy, Phylameana lila. (2023, April 5). Chakra Symbols and Sanskrit Names. Retrieved from Desy, Phylameana lila. "Chakra Symbols and Sanskrit Names." Learn Religions. (accessed April 28, 2024).