9 Ways to Make Magic With Your Garden

The garden can be one of the most magical places in your life. Be sure to read all about how to plan, create, and grow your magical garden, as well as ways to create specialty gardens, herb plots, and more.

Learn about Garden Folklore and Magic

Dad and daughter gardening
Ariel Skelley/Brand X/Getty Images

In the early spring, many of us who follow earth-based spiritual paths begin planning our gardens for the coming season. The very act of planting, of beginning new life from seed, is a ritual and a magical act in itself. To cultivate something in the black soil, see it sprout and then bloom, is to watch a magical working unfold before our very eyes. The plant cycle is intrinsically tied to so many earth-based belief systems that it should come as no surprise that the magic of the garden is one well worth looking into. Let's look at some of the folklore and traditions that surround gardening and planting magic.

Plant a Magical Moon Garden

Flowers blooming under moonlight
Ricardo Reitmeyer/E+/Getty Images

Many Pagans love to garden, but a lot of people don't realize you can grow plants and flowers that bloom at night. Cultivating a moon garden is a great way to get in touch with nature, and it provides a beautiful and fragrant backdrop for your moonlight rituals in the summer. If you plant these lovelies close to your house, you can open the windows and take advantage of their aromas as you sleep.

Plant an Elemental Garden

Elemental garden
Patti Wigington

If you're a Pagan or Wiccan who's into gardening, you might want to consider planting an elemental garden. The four classical elements are often associated with Pagan and Wiccan spirituality, so why not incorporate them into your gardening? Summer is a great time to work on your garden, so if you haven't gotten out there digging in the dirt yet, now's your chance! The sun is at its peak, the earth is nice and warm, and plants are growing all around. Move some of your existing plants (or put some new ones in) and create an elemental garden. By connecting different parts of your garden with the four elements, you can add a little bit of magic into your life each year.

Plant a Goddess Garden

Goddess statue in garden
Plant a garden honoring the god or goddess of your tradition. Francois DeHeel/Photolibrary/Getty Images

Plants and magic have been associated for hundreds (if not thousands) of years, so when spring rolls around and you're planning your seasonal garden, why not set up a special area to dedicate to the goddess or god of your tradition?

Learn About Magical Flowers

Hands parting forsythia flowers
Forsythia is associated with anticipation and love. SuperStock-PKS Media/BrandX Pictures/Getty Images

As spring arrives, our gardens begin to bud and eventually bloom. For hundreds of years, the plants that we grow have been used in magic. Flowers, in particular, are often connected with a variety of magical uses. Now that those blossoms are blooming, keep an eye out for some of these flowers around you, and consider the different magical applications they might have.

Learn About Magical Herbs

Herb garden
Maximilian Stock Ltd./Taxi/Getty Images

So you've decided you're ready to do a magical working—but you're not sure which herbs are the best ones to use. Use this list as a reference point to determine which herbs, plants, and flowers are the best choices for your purposes. Be sure to visit the Magical Herb Gallery for images of many herbs used in magic.

Wildcraft Herbs

Forest path
Forests are a great place to look for wild herbs to harvest—as long as you have permission!. Patti Wigington

In addition to growing your own magical herbs in your garden, in many areas you can harvest herbs from their natural environment—in the wild. This is known as wildcrafting and is becoming a popular pastime. If you’re one of the many Pagans who enjoys working with herbs, you may want to look into wildcrafting. However, much like any other natural resource, herbs must be harvested responsibly—otherwise, a once-plentiful plant can quickly end up on the endangered list. An ethical wildcrafter should never cause damage, nor should they deplete a resource. Here's how to be an ethical wildcrafter.

Welcome Birds to Your Garden

Bird house
Blaise Hayward/Digital Vision/Getty Images

During the spring, birds are busily building their nests. Many species have returned from wintering somewhere else, and eggs are getting ready to hatch. If you'd like to attract wild birds to your yard, provide them with places to nest that are safe and sheltered. There are several ways to welcome birds to your property, including building houses, hanging feeders, and providing a source of water.

Learn About Bee Folklore and Magic

Honeybee on a flower
Bees have been the subject of myth and lore for ages. Setsuna/Moment/Getty Images

In the middle of spring, a magical thing begins to happen outside. In addition to the greening of the earth, we notice a change in the local wildlife. In particular, you'll see bees buzzing around your garden, partaking of the rich pollen in your flowers and herbs. The plants are in full bloom at this time of the spring and the bees take full advantage, buzzing back and forth, carrying pollen from one blossom to another. In addition to providing us with honey and wax, bees are known to have magical properties, and they feature extensively in folklore from many different cultures.

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Your Citation
Wigington, Patti. "9 Ways to Make Magic With Your Garden." Learn Religions, Feb. 16, 2021, learnreligions.com/making-magic-with-your-garden-2561666. Wigington, Patti. (2021, February 16). 9 Ways to Make Magic With Your Garden. Retrieved from https://www.learnreligions.com/making-magic-with-your-garden-2561666 Wigington, Patti. "9 Ways to Make Magic With Your Garden." Learn Religions. https://www.learnreligions.com/making-magic-with-your-garden-2561666 (accessed May 4, 2024).