10 Ways to Grow Your Spirit

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How to Grow Your Spirit

Shadow. Matthias Clamer / Getty Images

If you are spiritual-oriented like I am you might have found yourself feeling stymied being in a physical body. But hey, that is the point. You are having a human experience as a means to grow spiritually. In this slideshow I offer tips on how to enhance your journey as a spirit in a body.

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Follow Your Passion

Man Walking Beside Directional Arrows
Follow Your Passion. Image Source/ Getty Images

Recognize and further develop your intelligence and special gifts. Our talents are signifiers that lead us toward our unique paths. Follow your passion and you will soon discover where you fit in this world. When we squelch innate yearnings we lose our way.

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Tie Up Loose Ends

Forgive Graffitti
Forgive Graffitti. Justin Lambert / Getty Images

Unresolved issues eat away at us emotionally and mentally. Tackle troubling things that need dealt with and put them to rest. In the meanwhile, learn not to allow future problems to be ignored. Our wounds fester when they are not attended to in a timely manner. Realize that buried problems always surface eventually. And when they resurface... DEAL with them, refrain from stuffing them down inside of you even deeper. Dealing with difficulties as they arise rather than holding grudges or ignoring them is the best route.

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Be Responsible in Your Relationships

Pencil Eraser Erasing the Word Problems
Erasing Your Problems. yenwen / Getty Images

Turn away from the blame game when it comes to addressing problems in your relationships. Be honest about the things that you have said or done that harmed the relationship. Own up to your own failures. Focus on changing your defeating patterns rather than expecting changes from the other person. Be a problem-solver not someone who adds to the problem.

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Love Sometimes Means Saying Goodbye

Tide Washing Away Love Drawn in Sand
Tide Washing Away Love. JosA Luis GutiArrez / Getty Images

Not all relationships are meant to last forever. We sometimes out grow our partners, or our partner goes off in a direction which makes us struggle to stay in step with. Sometimes, the most responsible thing you can do is to offer love and compassion to the person as you release the relationship.

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Simplify Your Life

White Stones in a Path
Le Club Symphonie / Getty Images

If a thing no longer serves a purpose in your life, it is clutter. Clutter can be a physical thing or a belief that blocks your path.

Release any beliefs that no longer ring true.You were likely indoctrinated into a religion by your parents. Check in with your heart and see if what you were taught feels right.... if not, seek out a different path that does. 

Holding on to things that don't feed you will instead eat up your energy.

Free your space and expand your energy by getting rid of unwanted gifts, broken or useless items, self-defeating mental images, etc.

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Confront Your Inner Demons

Angel / Devil
Confronting Your Demons. parema / Getty Images

Everyone makes mistakes or regrets past decisions. Exposing our frailties and recognizing that we are not perfect frees us from feeling stupid or "less than." Bring light to those things that you are not proud of and realize that through these experiences you have learned great lessons, and have likely become a better person for them. Keeping negative actions hidden can overshadow our spirits with shame or depression. We all deserve to live with joy regardless of our imperfections.

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Go with the Flow

French doors opening to forested pathway
Open Door. Comstock Images / Getty Images

There is a fine line between caution and fear. We are meant to travel along a spiritual pathway. We are not meant to remain stunted in one place for very long. Yes, change can be scary. But, change is a path of learning, so why not follow it? When we resist change we can actually create chaos. Do you want to undertake a lesson down a path which you've chosen, or have lessons thrown at you down a path that was forced upon you?

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Be Patient

Woman Waiting at Bus Stop
Woman Waiting at Bus Stop. Tang Ming Tung / Getty Images

There are times when we need to be still. Impatience or frustration will not help any situation. Desired changes sometime take time to unfold. You may feel like you are ready to jump into a new arena... but wait. The situation or person that you are wanting to meet may not be ready for you just yet. It's okay to sit at the bus stop for a few more minutes, the bus will arrive eventually. What's the hurry?

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Love and Honor Your Physical Self

Diet and Fitness Poster
Diet and Fitness Poster. Neil Webb / Getty Images

Are you taking good care of yourself? Your physical body is the vehicle that has been loaned to you to live out your life in and to assist growing your spirit with. Pamper your body, tend to your illnesses, exercise and give it the proper nutrients.

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Understanding and Dealing with Death and Illness

A Family's Deathbed Vigil
A Family's Deathbed Vigil. Fuse / Getty Images

Physical life is a gift that comes with a variety of experiences. Suffering and illness are bundled in with that package of experiences. Although our bodies have expiration dates, our spirits don't expire. Choosing to look at illness and death in positive ways rather than negatively will help to give your life here on the planet deeper meaning. Birth is the entry point to the physical experience, death is the end chapter.... but the spirit has no expiration date.

Disclaimer: The information contained on this site is intended for educational purposes only and is not a substitute for advice, diagnosis or treatment by a licensed physician. You should seek prompt medical care for any health issues and consult your doctor before using alternative medicine or making a change to your regimen.

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Your Citation
Desy, Phylameana lila. "10 Ways to Grow Your Spirit." Learn Religions, Sep. 10, 2021, learnreligions.com/ways-to-grow-spiritually-1732158. Desy, Phylameana lila. (2021, September 10). 10 Ways to Grow Your Spirit. Retrieved from https://www.learnreligions.com/ways-to-grow-spiritually-1732158 Desy, Phylameana lila. "10 Ways to Grow Your Spirit." Learn Religions. https://www.learnreligions.com/ways-to-grow-spiritually-1732158 (accessed May 8, 2024).